We are offering free shipping on all domestic and international orders.
Our current order processing time is 1-3 days (excluding weekends).
We ship directly from warehouse in China.
Transit Time
UK — 5-10 days
Europe — 7-10 days
Rest of the world — 7-20 days
Rest of the world — 7-20 days
Above you can see our average shipping speed.
Please note that some shipments may arrive within 7 days, and some may take longer due to various factors.
If your shipment is in transit for 60+ days, kindly contact our customer support team.
The parcel is considered lost if it is in transit for more than 2 months.
We'll re-ship it for free or will issue a full refund.
Shipping Fee
We offer free shipping on all domestic and international orders.
Order Tracking
Orders can be tracked here:
Canceling Orders
If you change your mind after placing an order on the website, please contact us immediately to cancel your order. We will issue a full refund provided your order has not been prepared and shipped. So contact us by mail within 24 hours since placing orders.
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Eine Frage?
Wenn du Fragen zu unseren Produkten hast oder Unterstützung benötigst, sind wir jederzeit über das folgende Kontaktformular oder den Live-Chat-Support erreichbar.